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So far Flori has created 27 blog entries.

Victims do not have to pay abusively

2020-01-07T10:02:14+00:00April 4th, 2019|

Victimele nu trebuie să plătească abuziv Asistența medicală reprezintă una dintre responsabilitățile de bază ale societății față de populație. Această responsabilitate e cu atât mai importantă în cazurile în care un accident sau un act de violență afectează viața sau integritatea corporală a unei persoane. Serviciile medicale de

Adopted by Parliament – equal access to education for children without IDs

2020-01-07T09:46:24+00:00December 3rd, 2018|

Adopted by Parliament - equal access to education for children without IDs The bill that guarantees equal access to education for children without IDs, voted by the Romanian General Assembly The bill submitted by Romanian MP Oana Bizgan, alongside other over 60 women MPs from all political parties, that claims equal

International adoption – a real chance for #HardToPlaceNotHardToLove Romanian children

2020-01-07T10:00:35+00:00November 28th, 2018|

Romanian Senate votes a new adoption law. International adoption – a real chance for #HardToPlaceNotHardToLove Romanian children The Senate voted today ( 28th of November 2018) unanimously for the bill amending the adoption process that was proposed by the Government. It aims at facilitating the adoption process, having the purpose

Promoting gender equality in politics – official letter to the European leaders

2020-01-07T09:57:52+00:00November 26th, 2018|

Promoting gender equality in politics - official letter to the European leaders We are half a year away from the next European Parliament elections. From local, national to the European level, women are underrepresented in the process of decision-making and in political life. I addressed an official letter to the

Voted by Romanian Senate: free access to health care for children without IDs

2020-01-07T09:44:15+00:00November 1st, 2018|

Voted by Romanian Senate: free access to healthcare for children without IDs  The bill that will provide free access to healthcare for children without IDs, initiated by Romanian MP Oana Bîzgan was submitted to the vote of the Senate on Monday, October 29, 2018. The senators voted unanimously in favor – 98 votes. The decisional vote will come from the General Assembly.   The aim

The bill that guarantees equal access to education for children without IDs, voted by the Romanian General Assembly

2020-01-07T09:54:17+00:00November 1st, 2018|

The bill that guarantees equal access to education for children without IDs, voted by the Romanian General Assembly The bill submitted by Romanian MP Oana Bizgan, alongside other over 60 women MPs from all political parties, that claims equal access to education for children without IDs and social security number,

Sex crimes against children in Romania

2020-01-07T09:42:16+00:00October 24th, 2018|

Sex crimes against children – No jail time for fathers who sexually abuse their children Cases when parents abuse their children, get a suspended sentence and keep their parental rights – like those presented by Libertatea newspaper – are numerous in Romania, being a terribly common phenomenon in our country.