Parliamentary Activity Report
As the President of the Equal Chance Committee (General Assembly), I’ve established collaborations with the main actors involved…
Political Statements
On every occasion I spoke in the Romanian Parliament, I stood for the priorities that make all our lives better. From economic regulations to fighting against domestic violence…
Questions and Interpellations
I use these instruments in order to gather information or to clarify aspects that might help passing laws to benefit Romanians and Romania…
Legislative Initiatives
As member of The Parliament, I have the opportunity to initiate or sign proposals that would change the current legislation having the citizens’ best interest in mind and…
Public Health
Due to poor resource administration, Romania ranks second last for life expectancy in EU.
Young People and Children
In Romania, 121.000 young people are unemployed (20.4%), while the retirement fund deficit exceeded 30%.
Equal Opportunities
When professional competence and efficiency are ignored on account of prejudice, we all lose.
Let’s change Romania together!
Don’t forget that great things are not made by a single individual! Let’s use every day we have to prove that it’s possible to make a change and that our goals will define our country. Come join my team!